
Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 New SEO Tactics Replace 5 Old SEO Tactics

5 New SEO Tactics Replace 5 Old SEO Tactics

1.Keyword Stuffing
Old Tactics – Websites and blogs used to stuff a page with as many keywords as the webmaster could. Search engines were not smart as they are now. Keyword stuffing worked just fine before but not anymore.
New Tactics – If you want your keywords to have maximum impact, do the following:
Create content for humans, not search engines
Make sure keywords are present in prominent places of the page, including headers, subheads, title tags and meta description
Place important and relevant keywords in the beginning of the page to be easily spotted by search engines as well as humans
2.Blog Comment Spamming
Old Tactics – Some folks still leave comments on blogs such as “Visit my discount pharmaceuticals site” and not even reading the article.
New Tactics – Read the article and make comments and suggestions about the article such as taking part in the discussion of the subject matter.
3.Search Engine Submission
Old Tactics – This is no longer necessary. However, it is still being done by new and even more experienced webmasters, thinking that robots might skip their sites.
New Tactics – A better approach to get discovered is get links. You can use your favorite social media and drop a link there. Twitter, facebook and others are crawled by search engines so your new site can be discovered quickly. You can use a site like that offers the ability to post a message and link to dozens of social media sites almost instantaneously.
4.Meta Tag Optimization
Old Tactics – Search engines used to love meta tags such as keywords attribute. However, search engines no longer use them because many webmasters have abused them.
New Tactics – Google is on record they pay no attention to keywords meta tag. Instead, try using category and tag systems to better label and organize your site content.
5.Link Exchanges
Old Tactics – Granted Interlinking is glue that binds the Web, webmasters must not actively engage in link exchange schemes to intentionally influence ranking, in turn bringing Google’s wrath.
New Tactics – A better approach is to offer testimonials to business vendors you work with. Write something favorable but sincere about a vendor.

30+ Advanced SEO Tactics, Techniques and Resources (55+ Links)

•    There is no single definition of advanced SEO. There are a few of attempts to describe what it might mean or consist of and what not but there is no entity or authority that could define such a broad term like advanced SEO.
I can’t define advanced SEO either. What I can do though is to collect 30+ advanced SEO tactics, techniques and resources.

•    These methods are no doubt advanced in the sense that they are new and progressive, sometimes more difficult than basic SEO or require special tools and expertise. Some of the tactics are no short term tactics, they’re probably strategies.
•    Also I’ll attempt to debunk the wide spread notion that just a few tactics out there are somehow advanced SEO by virtue of their sheer complexity, difficulty in implementing or tediousness.
•    Most notably I refer to the controversial practices of so called PageRank sculpting and IP delivery. While both are highly contested to be valuable at all or “advanced SEO” most SEO methods below are not controversial. They have an undeniably positive impact on your SEO efforts. Some will contest whether they are advanced or even SEO but they don’t hurt your site or business like the two above often do or at least might when badly executed.

•    Web Design/Development
•    Landing page optimization for organic search results
•    ROI oriented usability testing (Split A/B Testing etc.)
•    Streamlining information architecture towards a predefined sales funnel
•    Enforcing security considerations to prevent crackers from compromising your system and hijacking your site’s authority
•    Implementing dynamic scalability for large sites by self replicating processes
•    Siloing content on important keyword optimized pages (instead of PageRank sculpting)
•    Web Analytics
•    Identifying the target audience by age, income, education, computer skills, region and understanding it
•    Conversion attribution to find out how many stages were involved in making a person finally appear on site or buy
•    Twitter analytics to follow your true fans and connectors who spread the word and realistic Twitter traffic numbers
•    Monitoring long tail keyword combinations and frequency for early acknowledgment of trends
•    Time based and historic keyword research to identify potentials for recurring traffic spikes
•    Content Creation
•    Creating videos, ebooks, infographics and other rich media for SEO purposes
•    Semantic SEO trying to understand user intent and serving the appropriate content
•    Business blogging beyond solely SEO copywriting keyword rich content for search engines
•    Writing of “magnetic Web content“, with “killer headlines” and irresistible hooks
•    Defining an SEO code of ethics for your company and anticipating upcoming industry standards
•    Allowing and managing and user generated conent with crowdsourcing, tagging/folksonomy
•    Predictive SEO in order to be the first to offer supplies for demands that don’t exist yet
•    Link Acquisition
•    On topic widget bait for long term recurring results (not just link bait)
•    Creating both funny and engaging quizzes. Example: SEO expert quiz
•    Preparing and implementing contests to actively empower audiences as brand evangelists
•    Establishing reputable awards or annual best of collections. Examples: Web 2.0 awards, Semmys
•    “Pulling a Calacanis” that is stirring controversy to gain attention and make adversaries and supporters to link to you
•    Social Media Outreach
•    Proactive online reputation building, instead of just reactive firemen like management
•    Social CRM for all relevant groups (beyond “customers”). Example: Influencers
•    Creating and spreading viral memes through various media independently of your own presence there
•    Creating communities both inside and outside your own websites. Example: Dell Idea storm
•    Disseminating social media press releases and cultivating blogger relations

Expanding into New Markets
•    Embracing Twitter plus other Microblogging for business purposes
•    International multilingual SEO on one site or creating parallel sites
•    Geo-location based local SEO and IP delivery for international businesses
•    Mobile search optimization with appropriate CSS formats for different use cases